53-57 Westall Road, Clayton South
Buletine recente
  • 19th noiembrie 2024, Weekly bulletin

    Good afternoon all,

    During the course of this week we have the steel frame on level one being finalised and the remaining bits of formwork being removed on ground floor. Moving into next week we have frames going up on ground floor.

    Please help in keeping the site nice and tidy by throwing all rubbish into the skip bin that has been provided. Any issues let me know about them.

    I’d again like to remind everyone that if you are on site for 5 minutes or 8 hours you must SIGN-IN. Repeat offenders will be re-inducted.


  • 12th noiembrie 2024, Weekly bulletin.

    Good afternoon all,

    This week we have the steel frames being delivered and stood up on level one. We also have the formworkers continuing to strip the interior sections on the ground. This means there will be a few trucks coming and going during this time so please be aware.

    Please help in keeping the site nice and tidy by throwing all rubbish into the skip bin that has been provided. Any issues let me know about them.


  • 06th noiembrie 2024, Weekly bulletin.

    Good morning all,

    Last week we successfully poured the level 1 slab and we are now pushing forward with the next stage. This week block layers will finishing off the remaining blocks on level 1 and PTX will be conducting their final stress test.

    If any handrails need to be altered they need to be reinstated immediately, under no circumstances can a live edge be left unattended.

    Thanks Brendan

Prognoza meteo șantier
Condiții meteo curente la șantier


Observație obținută de la - Indisponibil
Fus orar - Ora standard a Australiei Orientale
Prognoză - joi, 21 noiembrie

Mostly sunny.
Min: 18C Max: 34C
Șanse de ploaie: 5%

Prognoză obținută de la - Bureau of Meteorology
Locație prognoză - Moorabbin, VICTORIA
Fus orar - Ora standard a Australiei Orientale
Mâine - vineri, 22 noiembrie

Possible shower developing.
Min: 22C Max: 35C
Șanse de ploaie: 40%
Precipitații așteptate: 0 la 1mm

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